I feel some sort of need to write today.
This will be, at half attempt, the beginning and introduction. I don't plan on anything formal. Formalities are stuffy and restraining constructs - you have a void that must be filled through order of rules and by proper measure. But I'm honestly not into the strange and strict. I'd rather freedom, I'd rather give and please.
Welcome to my blogspot.
I realize many people may read the first and wonder what the word "iracund" means. Well, simply, he's a jerk. An apple-cheeked bastard. The kind of guy that degrades and picks apart and effaces the warm aura. He slides in, he destroys, he leaves you feeling bad. I like to think the word almost explains itself from its visual framework: an "iracund" means "i r a cunt." A d doens't equal a t (in this universe), but it is close enough to merrit its own...merrit. That said, I have taught you a word for the day. So use it.
I'm not sure what compels me to write at this moment, but fittingly it is a strange force. A gravetic surge and convalescing wave of sorts, it ebbs to and fro in rhytmic madness. I am drawn to my writings but I think that I will not appease anyone or help or satisfy the masses, which is by all means the normal. You can't please everyone for any amount of time. Some fool once said you can, if only for brief periods. But the internet has shattered all pretense that everyone can have a shared and common opinion when given the same information. By this I mean the most rational and concrete example can be twisted and contorted, and I assure you that someone out there will disagree with you. The example in question doesn't even have to be complex or multi-faceted. You can find people that will argue what two and two equal, I swear. If you don't beleive me, I can point you towards some websites that will quickly and readily respond to such a challenge with terrifying and monsterous ferocity, as if bearing down on a wall in waiting for release.
Now personally, I hold that 99.9% of the sapiens population should have a permanent stamp across their forhead that reads "idiot," but you can't have it written just one way. Instead it needs to be like the writing on the ambulance - you'll need one that is backwards so that the person retains the capability to read it in the mirror, because they need to to remind themselves, "Plum sure-bob I'm an igit!" Likewise and conversely, "idiot" needs to be stamped so that everyone that talks to this person can plainly read it. It assures a moebius (sic) strip of label - no one will ever mistake that person's mind for anything short of a parked car.
It's this mindset - that everyone's IQ levels are, on average, in the one-digit range lower half quad - that makes me dangerous and annoying and hated. Humans like to think they are truly intelligent and inhabit a higher being of person and existence. We are above the cows, the beavers. But I think the opposite. If there's proof that evolution doesn't exist, it's the same species that originated such an idea. I honestly don't buy into the idea that we, as a genus subset, continually push towards an idea of perfection - stronger and better and faster and pleasent smelling. We're not. I won't discredit the idea of adaption - that an organism responds intuitively to its environment and, over a peroid of time, has mutations in their genetic makeup that accurately and efficently respond to problem stimuli - but I will not choose to beleive humans mantina the ability to move themselves further and further towards excellence. I think it's more like a game of Monopoly. We live at Baltic, we take a ride on the Reading, and ultimately we're back where we started with a few extra bucks. Currently, humankind is stuck in jail, and it's going to take three million chances before we roll a pair of double sixes and finally break free. And besides, the cop in that game was an asshole, always blowing that whistle and shit. I really hated him. Johnny Law particularly took his agressions out on Spotty the Dog, being a diecast aluminum game peice. Surely the threat was there, and the northeast corner of Monopoly's judiciary outfit was there to bring swift and quick justice.
I'm not sure if I strayed off topic, but I'll say you can't really do that unless you have a set and prepared agenda. Which I don't. I guess that means there's a lot of lee-way in terms of when I'm straying off course and going on a tangent, beacuse this whole damn blog is going to be a string of tangents. My promise is that they will be entertaining at all times. At all times. If you don't think it's entertaining, then you are wrong. I have spoken. But I can't say that each entry will make you happy or smile or content. I'm not some damn skee-ball game, I'm not going to spit out more tickets just because you do better or like me. I'mgoing to get on here and talk and speak and rant and rave.
In the end, my point is that I'm probably going to offend you. I will say things that I think are right and true because this is my own soapbox in digital nirvana, and there's not a hell of a lot you can do to stop me. Just pretend I'm Wile E. Coyote and I have Acme rice bombs and knick-knick-missle-spoons at my disposal, among whatever other ludicrous weaponry my being might be holding. But I'm not going to fall off the cliff and go splat. I'm going to win. I'm going you run you over with a damn steamroller after I trapped you in a corner by painting a tunnel on the rocky wall. "The bullet is enormous! There is no escaping!"
But it's like I said. I'm an iracund. I'm goign to sound off, I'm going to piss off, I'm going to whack....nevermind.
I don't care about you and your opinoins, because half the time I'm going to think they are stupid. I'm also not in the business or market to consider your worthless thoughts and expositions on my writings, becaues I flat out don't give a shit. It makes no damn difference to me. I'm going to write, you're going to read it, and you can do whatever the hell you want afterwards. You walk away satisfied? Good, have a cookie with the bloke that hated what I said today. And then stfu. I don't really care.
Yea, I'll like it if people enjoy my stuff, but I'm not writing to appease anyone but myself. It's an exercise in sanity, and exercise in journalistic release.
In the end, I truly hope you enjoy my rantings and ravings, but I'm just saying there's no gaurantee. There's always a prize in the bottom of the box of my blog-cereal. But that doesn't mean I haven't broken it already. And that doesn't mean I won't laugh if you swallow it by mistake. I put it there, and you can try to find it yourself.
That said, the portal is opened and the pancakes are sizzling...
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