The SS people continue to crack me up.
News story about the bugle that plays Taps by itself:
stag shot> they found out it plays an mp3...RIAA suing.
Upon hearing news story about meteor killing everyone in 11 years:
Audi> we will only be dead for 10 seconds, hopfully it hits me while Im at work so I could respawn at home! ;P
Mr. Ekted> Most kills: 6,383,640,843 Asteroid 2003 QQ47
Audi> heh, imagine it's RPM (note: RPM is Subspace talk for "rating per minute," which goes up for things like killing oppenents)
Wynd> Would't be good, because it will play for 11 years before it gets a kill
Wandie> Then you can say those famous last words.. "Houston, fb, c." (fastbreak from the center of the arena)